How to Start Windows in Safe Mode Using System Configuration

Restart in Safe Mode the easy way with the 'msconfig' utility

What to Know

  • Open Run (WIN + R), and enter msconfig.
  • Go to the Boot tab, check the box next to Safe boot, select an option from the list, and choose OK. Restart your PC.
  • Windows will continue to start in Safe Mode until you choose Normal startup in the General tab.

This article explains how to use MSConfig to start Windows in Safe Mode using MSConfig. This information applies to Windows 11, Windows 10Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP—variations for specific systems are indicated.

Start Windows in Safe Mode Using MSConfig

Sometimes it's necessary to start Windows in Safe Mode to properly troubleshoot a problem. Typically, you'd do this via the Startup Settings menu (Windows 11/10/8) or via the Advanced Boot Options menu (Windows 7/Vista/XP). However, depending on the issue you're having, it might be easier to make Windows boot in Safe Mode automatically.

Follow these instructions to configure Windows to reboot directly into Safe Mode by making changes in the System Configuration utility, usually referred to as MSConfig.

  1. In Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8, right-click or tap-and-hold the Start button, or use the WIN + X shortcut, to trigger the Power User Menu. Then, choose Run.

    In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, select the Start button.

    In Windows XP, select Start and then Run.

  2. In the text box, type the following:


    Select OK, or press Enter.

  3. Go into the Boot tab located at the top of the window.

    In Windows XP, this tab is labeled BOOT.INI

    To avoid serious system issues, do not make changes in the MSConfig tool other than those outlined on this page. This utility controls a number of startup activities other than those involved with Safe Mode.

  4. Check the box next to Safe boot (called /SAFEBOOT in Windows XP).

    The radio buttons under that option start the various other modes of Safe Mode:

    • Minimal: Starts the standard Safe Mode
    • Alternate shell: Starts Safe Mode with Command Prompt
    • Network: Starts Safe Mode with Networking

    See Safe Mode: What It Is and How to Use It for more information on the various Safe Mode options.

    Safe boot box checked in System Configuration screen
    Windows 11 System Configuration.
  5. Select OK.

  6. You'll be prompted to either Restart, which will restart your computer immediately, or Exit without restart, which will close the window and allow you to continue to use your computer, in which case you'll need to restart the computer manually.

  7. After restarting, Windows will automatically boot in Safe Mode.

    This Safe Mode boot will continue to happen automatically until System Configuration is configured to again boot normally, which we'll do over the next several steps.

    If you'd prefer to continue to start Windows in Safe Mode automatically each time you reboot, for example, if you're troubleshooting a particularly nasty piece of malware, you can stop here.

  8. When your work in Safe Mode is complete, again start System Configuration as you did in Steps 1 and 2 above.

  9. Choose the Normal startup radio button (from the General tab) and then select OK.

    Normal startup option selected in System Configuration
  10. You'll again be prompted with the same restart your computer question as in Step 6. You can reboot now, or not.

You'll need to be able to start Windows normally to do this. If you can't, you'll need to start Safe Mode the old-fashioned way. See How Do I Start Windows in Safe Mode? if you need help doing that.

More Help With MSConfig

MSConfig brings together a powerful collection of system configuration options in an easy-to-use, graphical interface.

You can execute fine control over which things load when Windows does, which can prove to be a powerful troubleshooting exercise when your computer isn't working correctly.

Many of these options are hidden away in much harder to use administrative tools in Windows, like the Services applet and the Windows Registry. A few clicks in boxes or radio buttons lets you do in a few seconds in MSConfig what would take a very long time in harder to use, and harder to get to, areas in Windows.

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