Advanced Uninstaller PRO v13.25 Review

This free software uninstaller works better than most because it monitors how your apps install

Despite its name, Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a free program suite that includes several tools, one of which serves as a software uninstaller.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is different from most other program uninstallers in that it can monitor how a program is installed to ensure it's completely removed. It can also back up a program so it can be restored even after it's been uninstalled.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO v13

This review is of Advanced Uninstaller PRO version 13.25. Please let us know if there's a newer version to review.

Pros & Cons

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an awesome program with little to complain about.

What We Like
  • Absolutely free to use.

  • Includes unique, advanced features.

  • Able to remove programs from the right-click context menu.

  • Can search for installed programs.

  • Supports backing up and restoring programs.

  • Includes lots of advanced settings.

What We Don't Like
  • It's cluttered with other tools.

  • Doesn't create a restore point before uninstalls.

  • Includes non-free tools too.

More About Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Support for all versions of Windows and an installation tracker are two big pluses:

  • 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 11, Windows 10Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are supported.
  • The software uninstaller in Advanced Uninstaller PRO is located in General Tools > Uninstall Programs.
  • The installed software can be ordered by name, size, and comments left by other users
  • Program installs can be set up to be automatically monitored so they're much easier to uninstall at a later time.
  • Advanced Uninstaller PRO will attempt to use a program's regular, built-in uninstaller but will skip directly to a manual file and registry search if it's unable to properly complete the uninstallation.
  • After a regular uninstall using a program's default uninstaller, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will search for leftover files that the uninstaller missed and prompt you to remove them.
  • You can choose any supported program that you have installed to read online reviews at Advanced Uninstaller PRO.
  • Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes other tools like a startup manager, file shredder, junk cleaner, Control Panel applet remover, duplicate file finder, and registry cleaning tool.

Monitored Installations

To monitor an installation is to have Advanced Uninstaller PRO record a program setup routine's every action, so removing the program later will be much quicker and effective than a regular uninstallation. It works by recording all the files, folders, and registry items modified during the installation.

This tool is located in General Tools > Monitored Installations. Select Start Installation Monitor to begin. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will minimize, and a new icon will appear in the notification center. Right-click the new icon near the clock and choose Monitor an installation. In the new prompt, choose the Yes button and browse for the setup file.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO will take a snapshot of the registry before any changes are made so it can compare it with a post-install snapshot to understand the changes that were made. The length of time for the snapshot to complete depends entirely on how many programs you already have installed and how fast your computer is.

Before continuing, it's critical to ensure you don't make any other changes to your computer while installing the program. If other changes are made, it's possible Advanced Uninstaller PRO will misinterpret them as changes made by the installer, and this could cause unwanted results when uninstalling the program.

Install the program normally, restarting if necessary, and then choose the button called Finish monitoring, save installation log. Enter the name of the program you installed so it's easy to manage it later.

At this point, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will take another registry snapshot. When it tells you it's completed, you can stop the installation monitor by exiting the icon in the notification area.

Once an application has been monitored, there are a few things you can do with it, such as completely remove it, create a backup of the program, or delete specific parts of the installation.

From General Tools > Monitored Installations, choose Uninstall monitored application and select the appropriate program from the list.

Choose to run an automatic, full installation to completely remove the program, or choose Custom uninstallation to view every file, folder, and registry item that's associated with it. If the latter option is chosen, you can delete any specific entry you wish.

With either uninstall option, you can also select to perform a backup of the program so you can reinstall it at a later date without having to run the setup file again. A backup can be restored from the Restore monitored application button, after which all the registry and file system items will be restored to their original location.

Restoring an application works even if you install other programs after it has been removed. For example, if you back up Google Chrome, remove it, and then install Microsoft Word, you can still restore Google Chrome without affecting the other app install.

My Thoughts on Advanced Uninstaller PRO

The monitored applications feature is certainly my favorite thing about Advanced Uninstaller PRO. It's really nice that you can create a backup of a program, complete with the registry entries and every file necessary to make it run.

The rest of the program can take away from the uninstalling feature, though. The other tools are useful, for sure, but I quickly found it annoying to have to maneuver around the other tools to get where I wanted. It's just not as simple and straightforward as some other uninstallers.

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